Oh MAN! After I berated my last friend that I was helping move (remember the "locked closet issue)? - she was the one that had ALL that Laura Ashley behind closed doors as she has moved through her "finding her voice" decorating phase - - well, I shamed her, and she had a garage sale. In spite of the fact that she has decided, from her mountaintop in Colorado, that she will not watch the news as she deems all news to be 'propaganda', somehow this leaked out, and she is furious. She is demanding that I pay her back every piece of Laura Ashley that she lost. Some of the prints were done by Laura herself. How am I going to find vintage Laura Ashley NOW??? I cannot this support this program, I am going to have to write a letter to Congress protesting this bill. Word to the wise - DO NOT try to help your packrat friends clean out their closets. Leave it to Lt General Sanchez and his team. Their special training makes them immune to the shrieks of "but it might come back into fashion!!"
This site is maintained by me with the help of the DHHG interns. (They're nice, but they absolutely refuse to do any heavy lifting.) The DHHG is a great place, and I'm learning so much about furniture placement and drapery pleats, but I'm not sure how much longer I want to work in government. Anyway, I'm no techno-genius, but since my boss can hardly open his e-mail, he's all "YOU run the Blog." Whatever.
Oh MAN! After I berated my last friend that I was helping move (remember the "locked closet issue)? - she was the one that had ALL that Laura Ashley behind closed doors as she has moved through her "finding her voice" decorating phase - - well, I shamed her, and she had a garage sale. In spite of the fact that she has decided, from her mountaintop in Colorado, that she will not watch the news as she deems all news to be 'propaganda', somehow this leaked out, and she is furious. She is demanding that I pay her back every piece of Laura Ashley that she lost. Some of the prints were done by Laura herself. How am I going to find vintage Laura Ashley NOW??? I cannot this support this program, I am going to have to write a letter to Congress protesting this bill. Word to the wise - DO NOT try to help your packrat friends clean out their closets. Leave it to Lt General Sanchez and his team. Their special training makes them immune to the shrieks of "but it might come back into fashion!!"
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